The YANG Effect is your "pit stop" for all things automotive aftermarket contributed to and written by young professionals in the industry. We encourage you to participate and take advantage of opportunities to engage with the YANG members and mentors.

YANG community



  • February 7, 2022

    Fast and Furious: Aftermarket Acquisitions

    Change is nothing new in the Automotive Aftermarket, you’re especially aware of this if you’ve been keeping up with the YANG Effect. However, there has always been internal changes that keep the Aftermarket professional on their toes, namely acquisitions.

  • January 6, 2022

    I Get a Little Better Each Day

    If you’re not getting better you’re getting worse, right? YANG wants to ensure that our industry is full of young leaders with the best skills and support possible. This post is dedicated to personal and professional development.

  • November 19, 2021

    You’ve Been There Before, Too?

    YANG brings you a mentor conversation between new council-member Meagan Moody and her mentor Mark Cali. Mark is Head of ZF’s Aftermarket program in the US and Canada.