Vehicle Data Toolkit
The ability to directly access data from a vehicle is at risk. It will take the united front of the auto care industry to ensure that consumers can continue to choose who maintains and repairs their vehicle. However, today 71% of consumers believe they have access to the data their vehicle collects – they're wrong. We all need to get involved – educate and engage your organization by leveraging the tools within the Industry toolkit. Consumer engagement is key too – print and share materials from the Consumer toolkit with your customers to help spread the word and encourage them to take action.
Do you want to participate in Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice. advocacy efforts, or learn more about the privacy threat to consumers and the greatest threat to our industry?
Educate yourself, your
team, and your whole organization. Download a primer on vehicle data (telematics), use the web banners to drive engagement on yourcaryourdata.org, or download and print handouts to keep this issue top-of-mind.
Vehicle Data
A primer on telematics — what it is, why our industry
should be concerned and what needs to be done to protect our jobs.
Technician One-Pager
Help educate technicians whose jobs are at risk without direct
access to vehicle data.
SVI Factsheet
A primer on the Secure Vehicle Interface (SVI) — what it
is, how it works, and what it enables.
Video Use Instructions
Support the Your Car. Your Data. campaign efforts by
sharing this 30-second video on your internal website.
Video Request for Special Use
In special situations, a company presentation or a large event,
you may need the video file, please submit a request using this form.
Preview here, request the ppt file using the request form.
The Truth about Vehicle Data Presentation (PDF)
Use this ready-made PDF presentation on vehicle data access and
control to educate your employees, your teams, or your customers.
The Truth about Vehicle Data Presentation for Special
Request this PPT presentation on vehicle data access and control
to educate your employees, your teams, or your customers.
Here are frequently asked questions — and their answers
— about the Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice. education
campaign, telematics and the Secure Vehicle Interface (SVI).
"Who to Call"
Find information on how you can help, stay in contact, and learn
about the latest developments in our industry.
Printable Wallet Card
This pocket-sized asset is a quick and easy way to educate
stakeholders on telematics and why it matters to our industry and
consumers. Print it out and put it in your wallet!
Wallet Card with Print Marks
This pocket-sized asset is a quick and easy way to educate
stakeholders on telematics and why it matters to our industry and
consumers. Print it out and put it in your wallet!
Wallet Card Instructions
Please check instructions on how to print for the best results.
Professional and personal printing instructions provided.
Sample Social Media Posts
Use these sample posts to share your story and demonstrate
Banner (100x50)
Place this banner on your organization’s website so
visitors can easily link to the Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice.
website to learn more about telematics and how they can support
industry efforts.
Banner (300x250)
Place this banner on your organization’s website so
visitors can easily link to the Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice.
website to learn more about telematics and how they can support
industry efforts.
Facebook Cover 1
Use this suite of ready-made Facebook media content to get the
Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice. message out on your own channels.
Facebook Cover 2
Use this suite of ready-made Facebook media content to get the
Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice. message out on your own channels.
Employee Email
Use this email template to educate and engage your employees.
Video Use Instructions
Support the Your Car. Your Data. campaign efforts by
sharing this 30-second video on your internal website.
Video Request for Special Use
In special situations, a company presentation or a large event,
you may need the video file, please submit a request using this form.
Preview here, request the ppt file using the request form.
Key Messages
Familiarize yourself with these key messages and use them to
demand access and control of vehicle data.
Sample Social Media Posts
Use these sample posts to share your story and demonstrate
Driver Bill of Rights (DBOR)
Driver Bill of Rights informs you on your rights regarding
vehicle data as a car owner, renter or leasee.
DBOR with Print Marks
Driver Bill of Rights informs you on your rights regarding
vehicle data as a car owner, renter or leasee.
DBOR Printing Instructions
Please check instructions on how to print for the best results.
Professional and personal printing instructions provided.
Technician One-Pager
Help educate technicians whose jobs are at risk without direct
access to vehicle data.
Wallet Card
This pocket-sized asset is a quick and easy way to educate
stakeholders on telematics and why it matters to our industry and
consumers. Print it out and put it in your wallet!
Wallet Card with Print Marks
This pocket-sized asset is a quick and easy way to educate
stakeholders on telematics and why it matters to our industry and
consumers. Print it out and put it in your wallet!
Wallet Card Printing Instructions
Please check instructions on how to print for the best results.
Professional and personal printing instructions provided.
Vehicle Data
A primer on telematics — what it is, why our industry
should be concerned and what needs to be done to protect our jobs.
Working with your customers to help make them aware of the threat to
future repair options if vehicle manufacturers control vehicle data?
Arm yourself or your teams with valuable information and promotional elements to make sure vehicle owners understand the threat and that we all demand access and control of our vehicle data.
Car Data Factsheet
A primer on telematics — what it is, why our industry
should be concerned and what needs to be done to protect our jobs.
Video Use Instructions
Support the Your Car. Your Data. campaign efforts by
sharing this 30-second video on your internal website.
Driver Bill of Rights (DBOR)
Driver Bill of Rights informs you on your rights regarding
vehicle data as a car owner, renter or leasee.
DBOR with Print Marks
Driver Bill of Rights informs you on your rights regarding
vehicle data as a car owner, renter or leasee.
DBOR Printing Instructions
Please check instructions on how to print for the best results.
Professional and personal printing instructions provided.
Wallet Card
This pocket-sized asset is a quick and easy way to educate
stakeholders on telematics and why it matters to our industry and
consumers. Print it out and put it in your wallet!
Wallet Card with Print Marks
This pocket-sized asset is a quick and easy way to educate
stakeholders on telematics and why it matters to our industry and
consumers. Print it out and put it in your wallet!
Wallet Card Printing Instructions
Please check instructions on how to print for the best results.
Professional and personal printing instructions provided.
Driver Bill of Rights (DBOR)
Driver Bill of Rights informs you on your rights regarding
vehicle data as a car owner, renter or leasee.
DBOR with Print Marks
Driver Bill of Rights informs you on your rights regarding
vehicle data as a car owner, renter or leasee.
DBOR Printing Instructions
Please check instructions on how to print for the best results.
Professional and personal printing instructions provided.
Wallet Card
This pocket-sized asset is a quick and easy way to educate
stakeholders on telematics and why it matters to our industry and
consumers. Print it out and put it in your wallet!
Wallet Card with Print Marks
This pocket-sized asset is a quick and easy way to educate
stakeholders on telematics and why it matters to our industry and
consumers. Print it out and put it in your wallet!
Wallet Card Printing Instructions
Please check instructions on how to print for the best results.
Professional and personal printing instructions provided.
Banner (100x50)
Place this banner on your organization’s website so
visitors can easily link to the Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice.
website to learn more about telematics and how they can support
industry efforts.
Banner (300x250)
Place this banner on your organization’s website so
visitors can easily link to the Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice.
website to learn more about telematics and how they can support
industry efforts.
Facebook Cover 1
Use this suite of ready-made Facebook media content to get the
Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice. message out on your own channels.
Facebook Cover 2
Use this ready-made Facebook cover photo to get the Your Car.
Your Data. Your Choice. message out on your own channels.
Facebook Cover 3
Use this ready-made Facebook cover photo to get the Your Car.
Your Data. Your Choice. message out on your own channels.
Facebook Cover 4
Use this ready-made Facebook cover photo to get the Your Car.
Your Data. Your Choice. message out on your own channels.
Facebook Cover 5
Use this ready-made Facebook cover photo to get the Your Car.
Your Data. Your Choice. message out on your own channels.