Media Coverage

Aaron Lowe, senior vice president, regulatory and government affairs, Auto Care Association, discusses the anticipated impact of tariffs on imports from China. Lowe notes that the tariff will either be passed along in the supply chain, reducing margin, or it will be passed onto the consumer.

Aaron Lowe, senior vice president, regulatory and government affairs, Auto Care Association, discusses the lead-up to the 2012 “Right to Repair” legislation passed in Massachusetts, which resulted in a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between vehicle manufacturers and repair shops to allow access to diagnostic data for maintenance and repair.

Aaron Lowe, senior vice president, regulatory and government affairs, Auto Care Association, discusses the uncertainty surrounding the potential imposition of a 5% tariff on Mexican imports. Auto Care Association members Brad Kraft of Hopkins Manufacturing Corporation and Arnoldo Ventura of Frontera Radiators and Parts also discuss how their business operations would be disrupted by an import tariff on Mexican goods.

Auto Care Association President and CEO Bill Hanvey discusses the topic of ownership and control over the data collected by vehicles. Carmakers use data to alert drivers when something needs repair or when our cars need to be taken in for service. What they don’t tell drivers is that by controlling the data, they can limit where drivers get that repair or service done

Article mentions the current Right to Repair battle in Massachusetts and cites the Auto Care Association as a source on the topic of vehicle data access for independent servicing and repairing of vehicles.

Article discusses the potential impact the Coronavirus will have on the global aftermarket supply chain and cites the Auto Care Association for information on the timeframe in which manufacturers expect to see shortages in supply.

Article explores both sides of the Question 1 ballot initiative for the 2020 election in Massachusetts, which seeks to update existing Right to Repair laws to ensure vehicle owners and their service or repair shop of choice can access the data needed for maintenance.

Article discusses the 2020 Right to Repair effort in Massachusetts. Support for Ballot Question 1 would update existing data access laws to protect consumers’ rights to determine where their vehicles are serviced.

Article mentions the Auto Care Association’s role in the 2020 Right to Repair battle in Massachusetts on Ballot Question 1. The scare tactics used by those in opposition to supporting Question 1 are explored and debunked in this article.

Auto Care Association’s role in the 2020 Right to Repair battle in Massachusetts is mentioned in this article. The article examines the inaccurate claims made in television advertisements in opposition to Ballot Question 1, which seeks to update the previous Right to Repair referendum.