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August 26, 2022

VCdb Expands to Four New Latin America Countries

by Jonathan Larsen, Vice President, Standards & Digital Products

In our previous “What the Tech?” blog post, we highlighted the new content added to the Vehicle Configuration Database (VCdb). This month, we will highlight four new Latin American countries that we started offering vehicle data for in the VCdb. In the coming months as research is completed, new vehicles for these countries will be added to the Latin America VCdb.

The latest vehicles were added to the Latin America VCdb for the following countries:

  • Bolivia
  • Dominican Republic
  • Guatemala
  • Panama

Below, we used the VCdb Release Notes to filter on the new Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Panama content that was released in the South America VCdb.


The Image above shows the VCdb Vehicle Release Note section for (the new Countries: Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Panama) allows users to search each VCdb version to learn what is new for both the vehicles and equipment. In the “Vehicle” search, users can search by “Country” (Region Name), “Year” and “Vehicle Type.” Content for vehicles users can review is found under the “Vehicle Type”, “Make” and “Model” by “Country” (Region Name).

These four new countries join the already established Latin America data group that includes:

  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Ecuador
  • Peru

And here's a snapshot of our VCdb coverage across the Americas.

A special “thank you” to our partner, Integrated Data Facts (IDF), which has been instrumental in providing great content for these Latin American countries. 

Learn more about how Auto Care’s data standards can help you communicate effectively with your trading partners.

For questions about the Latin American data, contact technology@autocare.org.



Jonathan Larsen, Vice President, Standards & Digital Products

I help reduce cost out of the overall supply chain by improving the quality of standards data we provide to the industry and develop new processes that help get data to our members faster. More About Me


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The Auto Care Association’s Technology team is pleased to launch a new monthly Auto Care Tech blog series titled, “What the Tech? This series will cover topics related to Data Standards.

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