tAuto Care Connectt

Sponsorship Opportunities

Become a sponsor of the 2024 AWDA Annual Business Conference

Support Auto Care's largest business company community and promote your company's brand in front of the premier organizations of the industry. 

Contact Ashlie.Vesper@autocare.org or Leah.Jones@autocare.org with any questions or to discuss any creative partnership ideas that achieves your goals and brings value to your company.

When in the purchasing process, please be sure to "PURCHASE FOR ORGANIZATION" and for a faster experience, please click "Review & Check Out" at the bottom of the screen to bypass all of the displayed sponsorships.

  • Must be Auto Care member companies to purchase a sponsorship.
  • Sponsorships are non-refundable.
  • Sponsoring companies must have in-person representation at the 2024 AWDA Conference.
  • If the sponsoring company cancels their sponsorship, Auto Care may pursue a substitute sponsor for the same opportunity.
AWDA Sponsorship Opportunities (Additional Items May Be Added) Amount  Status  
Title Sponsor (Exclusive) 

 sponsor will receive:

  • Welcome comments by company executive during AWDA’s Sunday Night General Session. (or if preferred, could run a brief video ad as part of the Opening segment).
  • Enhanced company presence for Sponsor logo and message on the AWDA Business Conference website.
  • Hospitality / Information suite sponsor with name on signage (signage displayed only during the official one-on-one time slots). The hospitality suite serves as the central location for all the one-on-one meetings. 
  • Sponsor’s name and logo in Auto Care owned email marketing materials and conference website. 
  • Title Sponsor is prominently displayed on signage throughout the conference areas.
  • Pre-conference promotion and press release with Title Sponsor recognition.
  • One (1) complimentary vendor company registration, which includes one delegate and four one-on-one meetings.
  • (New for 2024) Dedicated social media post announcing company as title sponsor. 
  • (New for 2024) 10 Reserved seats during the Sunday Nov. 3 AWDA General Session & Awards Presentation.
  • Ability to select preferred location of one-on-one meeting suite (Honoring suite assignment is subject to hotel potentially re-assigning suite location due to outside circumstances) 
 USD $35,000   SOLD  
Sunday Nov. 3 Reception Shared Sponsor  

Benefits Include:

  • Company logo on the AWDA Business Conference website.
  • Company logo in Auto Care owned email marketing pieces promoting Sunday reception.
  • Company logo on on-site signage during the reception.
  • Company recognized at the general session.
  • Ability to select preferred location of one-on-one meeting suite (Honoring suite assignment is subject to hotel potentially re-assigning suite location due to outside circumstances)
 USD $7,500 each  Available (2 of 3) Purchase
Exclusive Monday Nov. 4 Luncheon Sponsorship 

Benefits include:

  • Representative from Sponsoring company allowed 5 minutes of podium time prior to luncheon presentation (remarks only, no visuals/video)
  • Company logo on the AWDA Conference website.
  • Company logo in Auto Care owned email marketing pieces promoting Monday luncheon.
  • Company logo on on-site signage during the lunch event.
  • Company logo on title power point slide 
  • Company reserved VIP table with 10 chairs for Monday luncheon
  • Company recognized at the Sunday General Session
     USD $15,000 each  PENDING  
    Exclusive Sunday Nov. 3 Lunch Sponsor   

    Benefits include:

    • Company logo on the AWDA Business and Education Conference website. 
    • Company logo in Auto Care owned email marketing pieces promoting breakfasts.
    • Company logo on on-site signage during Sunday Luncheon  
    • Company recognized at the general session.
    • Company reserved VIP table with 10 chairs for Sunday luncheon.


     USD $7,500   Available Purchase
    Sunday Nov. 3 or Monday Nov. 4 Breakfast Sponsor  

    Benefits include:

    • Company logo on the AWDA Business and Education Conference website. 
    • Company logo in Auto Care owned email marketing pieces promoting breakfasts.
    • Company logo on on-site signage during breakfast event. 
    • Company recognized at the general session.


     USD $7,500 or $12,500 for both  Available Contact leah.jones@autocare.org to order.
    MeetMax One-on-One Scheduling Website Sponsor (Exclusive) 

    Benefits include:

    • Company logo in website header on dedicated 2024 AWDA MeetMax Scheduling Website
    • "Pop Up Window” highlighting website sponsor which attendees must close before moving on to the website page where companies are selected and ranked for meetings.
    • Sponsoring company highlighted and listed at the top of the list on the page where companies are selected and ranked for meetings.
     USD $7,500  Available Coming Soon