Market Insights with Mike: Exploring the Latest VMT and Driver Trends

July 9, 2021
By Camille Sheehan

BETHESDA, Md. – July 9, 2021 – This edition of Market Insights with Mike provides an extensive look at the latest vehicle miles traveled (VMT) data in the United States and what the new trends in driver and migration behavior can mean for the auto care industry.

While VMT is steadily recovering to pre-pandemic levels, driving patterns have changed for many: commuting fewer days each week, perhaps at different times, and driving a different vehicle and for various purposes. Service/repair and retail companies are taking notice and are advising their customers accordingly as they find a “new normal.”

Telematics-based data is establishing a “new normal” in VMT statistics that matches macro-level changes in driving patterns across society in real time. Using this data in the context of behavioral changes will allow the aftermarket to respond to rapidly evolving market conditions more accurately.

To view the latest edition of Market Insights with Mike, click here

About Market Insights with Mike:
Market Insights with Mike is a series presented by the Auto Care Association’s Director of Market Intelligence, Mike Chung, that is dedicated to analyzing market-influencing trends as they happen and their potential effects on your business and the auto care industry.