
Auto Care Blog

Auto Care's top subject matter experts offer their best aftermarket advice, research, and analysis influencing the health of the automotive aftermarket to stay current in a fast-paced industry.

Auto Care Association's mission is to protect and advance the interests of businesses providing aftermarket products and services for all classes of motor vehicles. view more

Thank You to our Outgoing YANG Council Members
The 2024-2025 YANG Leadership Council says farewell to a few outgoing council members.
Auto Care Association State Government Affairs Update: Aug. 2, 2024
State news, legislation we're tracking, and statehouse reports from across the United States that affect the automotive aftermarket.
YANG Summer Council Meeting 2024
The 2024-2025 YANG Leadership Council kicked-off their new term at the Auto Care Association's headquarters in Bethesda, Md.
Auto Care Association State Government Affairs Update: June 26, 2024
State news, legislation we're tracking, and statehouse reports from across the United States that affect the automotive aftermarket.
New AD/CVD Trade Petition Against Brake Drums from China and Türkiye
On June 19, 2024, a U.S. manufacturer of brake drums, filed a petition at the U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. International Trade Commission for the imposition of antidumping and countervailing duties …
USTR Ends Some Section 301 Exclusions While Extending Others Another Year
USTR has announced it will end some exclusions for products from China that are subject to Section 301 tariffs, while extending others for an additional year.
USTR Releases Four-Year Review of Section 301 China Tariffs
On May 14, 2024, USTR released the four-year review of the Section 301 tariffs on imports from China, recommmending that the tariffs remain in place and increasing rates in strategic industries.
USTR Initiates Section 301 Investigation on China’s Maritime, Logistics and Shipbuilding Practices
On April 17, 2024, the USTR initiated a Section 301 investigation of China's acts, policies, and practices targeting the maritime, logistics, and shipbuilding sectors for dominance.
Auto Care Association State Government Affairs Update: April 30, 2024
State news, legislation we're tracking, and statehouse reports from across the United States that affect the automotive aftermarket.
Auto Care Association State Government Affairs Update: April 19, 2024
State news, legislation we're tracking, and statehouse reports from across the United States that affect the automotive aftermarket.
YANG T-Shirt Fundraiser
The Young Auto Care Network Group (YANG) raises monies each year in support of the Automotive Aftermarket Charitable Foundation (AACF) through a nationwide fundraiser. This year, YANG launched a new …
YANG Leadership Conference at Connect ‘23 – Why You Can’t Miss this Year’s Event!
The Young Auto Care Network Group (YANG) is the auto care industry’s dynamic and vibrant community of under-40 professionals community. YANG provides its members with the opportunity to network with industry …