September 26, 2023
The Sustainability Committee's Inaugural Meeting During Spring Leadership Days
by Danielle Thomas-Pollard, IT Director and Sustainability Committee Staff Liaison
Auto Care Association’s Sustainability Committee held its inaugural meeting during
Spring Leadership Days at 2023 Connect in Orlando, Fla. The meeting left attendees buzzing with excitement and optimism as industry volunteer leaders, including a diverse range of companies representing manufacturing, distribution, retail and vehicle service and repair segments, gathered to share ideas, insights, priorities and strategies. It was a truly remarkable display of collaboration and teamwork with participants recognizing the need for collective action to address the environmental challenges facing our industry.
"I was both amazed and extremely pleased by the level of expertise and engagement of our committee members,” said Ben Spitz, committee’s chair. “There was unanimous dedication within their companies and for the industry as a whole to take us to the next level of progress in disciplines of sustainability."
The Sustainability Committee discussed key sustainability challenges facing our industry, as well as a number of potential solutions. To help advance the committee’s objectives, the committee has formed four working groups focused on recycling, communication/education, best practices and legislation. The formation of these groups demonstrates the committee's commitment to comprehensively addressing sustainability challenges, leveraging the expertise, knowledge and experience of its members.
The legislation working group, working collaboratively with our Government Affairs Committee, will focus on how to advise and influence legislative policies in the best interest of the environment, our members, and their customers.
The communication/education focus group addressed the need to engage with consumers and members to raise awareness about the importance of sustainability and to promote the sustainable image of the auto care industry. Through education and communication, the committee, working with our Marketing and Communications and Education Committees, aims to increase awareness about sustainability throughout the industry.
The best practices group will continue to delve into how best to support members to enhance industry practices to become more environmentally friendly. Through information sharing and collaboration, this working group aims to improve sustainability by motivating and empowering our members.
The recycling working group will explore and provide valuable guidance on the advantages and opportunities that recycling presents within the automotive aftermarket. Recognizing the need to minimize waste and promote responsible resource management, this group aims to highlight the benefits that recycling can bring to the industry.
The Sustainability Committee is planning to continue their discussions and develop a more detailed plan for sustainability in the automotive aftermarket, with the next in-person meeting occurring during 2023 Fall Leadership Days and Legislative Summit in September in Washington, D.C.
The formation of the Sustainability Committee, a member-led initiative, is a positive and exciting development for the automotive aftermarket. It is clear that our industry is committed to environmental sustainability and willing to take steps to make a real, lasting difference and impact on our industry now and in years to come.

"I was both amazed and extremely pleased by the level of expertise and engagement of our committee members,” said Ben Spitz, committee’s chair. “There was unanimous dedication within their companies and for the industry as a whole to take us to the next level of progress in disciplines of sustainability."
The Sustainability Committee discussed key sustainability challenges facing our industry, as well as a number of potential solutions. To help advance the committee’s objectives, the committee has formed four working groups focused on recycling, communication/education, best practices and legislation. The formation of these groups demonstrates the committee's commitment to comprehensively addressing sustainability challenges, leveraging the expertise, knowledge and experience of its members.
The legislation working group, working collaboratively with our Government Affairs Committee, will focus on how to advise and influence legislative policies in the best interest of the environment, our members, and their customers.
The best practices group will continue to delve into how best to support members to enhance industry practices to become more environmentally friendly. Through information sharing and collaboration, this working group aims to improve sustainability by motivating and empowering our members.
The recycling working group will explore and provide valuable guidance on the advantages and opportunities that recycling presents within the automotive aftermarket. Recognizing the need to minimize waste and promote responsible resource management, this group aims to highlight the benefits that recycling can bring to the industry.
The Sustainability Committee is planning to continue their discussions and develop a more detailed plan for sustainability in the automotive aftermarket, with the next in-person meeting occurring during 2023 Fall Leadership Days and Legislative Summit in September in Washington, D.C.
The formation of the Sustainability Committee, a member-led initiative, is a positive and exciting development for the automotive aftermarket. It is clear that our industry is committed to environmental sustainability and willing to take steps to make a real, lasting difference and impact on our industry now and in years to come.
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