Auto Care State Government Affairs Update: Feb. 23, 2023
What's Moving
- Maryland HB 1193, motor vehicles right to repair bill - A hearing is scheduled in the House Committee on Economic Matters on 3/8.
- Maryland HB 712, right to repair bill aimed at farming equipment - A hearing was originally scheduled for this week but was cancelled.
- Colorado HB 23-1118, setting employer requirements on employee work schedules – The bill was heard and passed the House with amendments. The bill sponsor said they were having issues with the bill currently, and did not want to amend to encompass all vehicles until it passes.
- Montana SB 347, farm equipment right to repair - The bill was heard this week and no votes were taken, so the Senate Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Committee will reconsider at a later date.
- Florida HB 185, which prohibits a person who is not registered as a secondary metals recycler from purchasing a detached catalytic converter - The bill was referred this week to the Justice Appropriations Subcommittee in the Judiciary Committee.
- Utah HB 313, increases the penalty for specific metal thefts - The bill has passed the House and was reported favorably out of the Senate Business and Labor Committee.
- Tennessee HB 484, increases the penalty for possession of a used, detached catalytic converter from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class E felony - The bill was passed out of the House Criminal Justice Committee with a recommendation to pass and will now go to the House Finance and Ways and Means Committees.
- Virginia SB 1135, would make it a Class 6 felony to sell or purchase a catalytic converter from a motor vehicle exhaust system unless the sale or purchase is made by a scrap metal purchaser - The bill is being sent to the Governor's office to be enacted into law.
- Minnesota HF 30, would establish new penalties for catalytic converter theft and creates provisions for purchase requirements - The bill has passed the House and is now in the Senate Rules and Administration Committee.
State News This Week
All state legislatures are now in regular session except for Louisiana, Alabama and Florida.
Bills in Montana must leave their house of origin by the end of this week, otherwise they are considered dead in Committee.
Last Friday was the deadline for Washington lawmakers to pass legislation in executive session from their committee of origin. Policy bills that did not have fiscal impacts that also did not make it out of their committees are now considered dead. The next deadline is March 8 for bills to pass their House of origin.
This is the final week before the Virginia legislature adjourns on Saturday. Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) said he would consider calling lawmakers back into special session if a compromise on the budget is not found before the end of the week. Lawmakers must close a $1 billion gap between the House and State budget proposals.Legislation We're Tracking
Statehouse Reports
Maine will be allowing voters to decide the fate of right to repair after independent auto repair shops have gathered enough signatures to qualify for a ballot measure. The proposal generated over 74,000 signatures from voters in the state.
The South Carolina Senate Finance Committee approved a bill that would charge new drivers a $500 fee for a new drivers license and vehicle registration. The bill will now be put to a vote on the Senate floor, despite opposition from some Senators who believe it is redundant to other taxes.
New Hampshire may now be requiring adults to use seatbelts under a new bipartisan proposal. Legislation would now make not using a seatbelt a secondary offense, and allow police to pull residents over if they are not wearing their seat belt.
This week, the European Parliament approved a law that would ban the sale of petrol and diesel cars in the EU starting in 2035 in efforts to facilitate the switch to electric vehicles. The law also would mandate a 55% reduction in carbon emissions for cars sold by 2030.
Questions about state legislation? Email tod.moore@autocare.org.

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