Auto Care Marketing and Communications Awards
Award Categories
BB1 | Best ad campaign | Ad can be for any audience: manufacturer, distribution, retail, technician or repair. Include a brief description, placement strategy, and analytics/results along with a copy of the ad. Add in placement strategy. |
BB4 | Training communications | Includes any marketing/communications with the purpose of obtaining training/continuing education. Include images, analytics, strategy, and/or goals. |
BB5 | Digital Content - Article/Blog/Newsletter/eMagazine | Include image of or link to newsletter along with the purpose and audience for the digital content. Include strategy and analytics. |
BB8 | Logo design/usage | Explain reasoning for logo decisions, and before and after if applicable. Include subtleties or implied content if applicable. |
BB9 | Website Design | Include website before/after and analytics showing success of new website. Include goals, unique tools, and functionality. |
BB10 | Promotional Goods, Gear, Marketing and Collateral, Special Promotions or Promotional Event | Include images, strategy, and goals of promotion, including measurables. |
BB12 | Packaging | Explain strategy behind decisions and include images of product packaging. |
BB13 | Social media campaign | Please include screenshots of the effort along with a campaign description, timeframe, strategy, and analytics. |
BB14 | Trade show booth | Include images, description, strategy, and any unique and interesting elements of the booth. |
BB15 | App for a mobile device | Please include screenshots of the effort along with a description, goal, and analytics. |
BB16 | Use of Online Video | Include link to video, placement, strategy, goals, and analytics. |
BB18 | Best 360-degree marketing campaign | Share your integrated strategy including (but not limited to) print, digital, social, content, promotions, SEO, and more. Include the materials/screenshots and brief description of the campaign and analytics. |
BB19 | Best campaign embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion | Please provide a brief description of the campaign along with any supporting materials used in the campaign. Include images, analytics, strategy, and/or goals. |
BB20 | NEW - Innovative Usage of Artificial Intelligence | Share how you used AI to enhance a marcomm campaign. Include goal, tool used, supporting materials, and results. |
BC3 | Digital Ad Campaign | Include links or photos to any digital/web based ad campaign (any platform) along with brief description of the campaign and analytics/results. |
BC4 | Direct mail piece, brochure, booklet, handout | Include a brief description and any analytics/results along with a copy of the piece. |
BC5 | Digital Content - Article/ Blog/ Newsletter/ eMagazine | Include where the content piece was published and any analytics/results. Include purpose and goals of piece. |
BC6 | Use of Online Video | Video can be on any online platform for any purpose. Include link to video along with brief description of campaign along with any analytics results. |
BC7 | Repair facility/store customer promotion | Includes promotional events or marketing materials. Include images, strategy, goals and any measurables. |
BC8 | Consumer/ community event | Include goals of event and how those goals were accomplished. Include analytics such as how many in attendance, how was it promoted, what was its purpose? |
BC9 | Mass Media (Billboard, TV, Radio, Podcast, Print Ad) | Include images, goals, strategy, placement, reach and any other pertinent analytics. |
BC11 | Website Design | Include website before/after. Analytics showing success of new website. What were the goals of the new site, why was it needed? Any interesting tools or functionality? |
BC12 | Social media campaign | Please include screenshots of the effort along with a campaign description, timeframe, strategy, and analytics. |
BC14 | App for a mobile device | Please include screenshots of the effort along with a campaign description, goal, and analytics. |
BC15 | Media outreach to non-English-speaking audiences | Includes any marketing/communications tactics tailored to non-english speaking audiences. Include images, analytics, strategy and/or goals. |
BC17 | Outreach to female audience | Includes any marketing/communications tailored to female audiences. Include images, analytics, strategy and/or goals. |
BC18 | Co-op advertising | Highlighting a marketing partnership such as a repair shop partnering w/ a manufacturer or distributor. Provide supporting materials and any results/analytics. |
BC19 | Merchandising (point of purchase, displays, on/off shelf merchandising) | Includes point of purchase, displays, on/off shelf merchandising. Please include images, strategy and any results measured from effort. |
BC20 | Best 360 degree marketing campaign | Share your integrated strategy including (but not limited to) print, digital, social, content, promotions, SEO and more. Include the materials/screenshots and brief description of the campaign and analytics. |
BC21 | Best campaign embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion | Please provide a brief description of the campaign along with any supporting materials used in the campaign. Include images, analytics, strategy and/or goals. |
BC22 | NEW - Innovative Usage of Artificial Intelligence | Share how you used AI to enhance a marcomm campaign. Include goal, tool used, supporting materials and results. |
BC23 | NEW - Best Use of Influencer Marketing | Share how you utilized an influencer relationship in a marcomm campaign to reach your goals. Include supporting materials and results. |
BC24 | NEW - Sustainability and Environmental Messaging | Share how you highlighted sustainability in a marcomm campaign. Include goals and supporting materials showcasing the campaign. |
2023 Award Winners
2023 Award Winners
Category: App for a Mobile Device
Company: Plews & Edelmann
Submission: Elite Sales App
Category: Use of Video- General Market/Special Interest
Company: Robert Bosch
Submission: Reputation is EVERYTHING Campaign
Category: Article/Blog/Content Piece (General Market/Special Interest)
Company: Mevotech
Submission: Mevotech Blog
Category: Article/Blog/Content Piece
Company:NAPA Auto Care
Submission: Tech’s Edge Newsletters
Category: Newsletter
Company: Standard Motor Products
Submission: SMP Connection
Category: Training Communications
Company: Gabriel Ride Control
Submission: Gabriel Spring Training Event, Video-based Training Program & Field Training
Category: Best 360 Degree Marketing Campaign
Company: Robert Bosch
Submission: Bosch Diagnostics- ADAS Campaign
Category: Best Ad Campaign to Technician/Repair Audience
Company: Robert Bosch
Submission: Bosch Diagnostics- ADAS Campaign
Category: Best Campaign Embracing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Company: RepairPal
Submission: Coffee with Kathleen ft. Christopher Lovelady
Category: Logo Design Usage
Company: dott.(r) and LetterShop
Submission: Driving “Diversity of Thought”
Category: Packaging
Company: NAPA Auto Care
Submission: NAPA Auto Care Gold Certified Kit
Category: Promotional Goods, Gear, Marketing and Collateral
Company: BCA Bearings by NTN/Bower Bearings by NTN
Submission: BCA/Bower Summer Cruisin’ Promotion
Category: Social Media Campaign
Company: MOTOR Information Systems
Submission: Employee Recruitment for Diversity
Category: Trade Show
Company: Advance Auto Parts
Submission: ‘Experience the Difference’- Advance Professional Booth Exhibit
Category: Special Promotion and/or Promotional Event
Company: Gabriel Ride Control
Submission: Gabriel Spring Training Event
Category:Use of a Video
Company: DRiV, Inc.
Submission: MOOG® High Utilization Hub Assemblies Video
Category: Website
Company: Mevotech
Submission: Mevotech Website
Category: Best Website (Independent Repair Shops)
Company: Autoshop Solutions
Submission: Euro Clinic Website
Category: Media Outreach to Female Audience
Company: AutoZone, Inc. & Havas Annex Chicago
Submission: The Car Mom
Category: Media Outreach to Non-English Speaking Audiences
Company: DRiV, Inc.
Submission: MOOG® Street Sheet in Spanish
Category: Article/Blog/Content Piece
Company: DRiV, Inc.
Submission: Can You Drive With a Blown Head Gasket?
Category: Consumer/Community Event
Company: Reno Sparks NAPA Elite Business Development Group- Shari Pheasant
Submission: NAPA Day at the Discovery
Category: Digital Display Ad
Company: Armorlite and MBE Group
Submission: “Tough As” Campaign
Category: Repair Facility/Store Customer Promotion
Company: Advance Auto Parts
Submission: TechNet Brakes for Breasts
Category: Video
Company: AutoZone, Inc. & Havas Annex Chicago
Submission: How to Prevent Catalytic Converter Theft
Category: Best 360 Degree Marketing Campaign
Company: Robert Bosch
Submission: Night Vision Has Evolved: Wiper Campaign
Category: Best Campaign Embracing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Company: Advance Auto Parts
Submission: Advance GOES BLUE for Autism Awareness
Category: Co-op Advertising (Repair Shop partnered with Mfg/Dist)
Company: Reno Sparks NAPA Elite Business Development Group- Shari Pheasant
Submission: NAPA Auto Care Center at the Discovery
Category: Direct Mail Piece, Brochure, Booklet, Handout
Company: Dorman Products
Submission: OE Fix Guide Vol. 4
Category: Radio or Podcast
Company: AutoZone, Inc. & Havas Annex Chicago
Submission: Interrupted Jingle
Category: Social Media Campaign
Company: AutoZone, Inc. & Havas Annex Chicago
Submission: How-To Cutdowns
Category: Print Ad
Company: Champion Auto/Conceptual Minds
Submission: Best Automotive Print Ad 2023
Past winners
Category: Best Ad Campaign to Technician/Repair Audience
Company: Robert Bosch, LLC
Submission: Solutions for Every Job- Bosch Diagnostics Campaign
Category: Best Ad to Either Distribution/ Retail or Technician/ Repair Audience
Company: Centric Parts
Submission: Centric On The Go Ad
Category: Training Communications
Company: Advance Auto Parts
Submission: 2022 Supplier & Training EXPO
Category: Article/ Blog/ Content Piece – Technical
Company: MANN+HUMMEL Puralator
Submission: Why Full Synthetic Media is Important
Category: Article/ Blog/ Content Piece - General Market/Special Interest
Company: Mevotech
Submission: Mevotech Blog
Category: Newsletter
Company: The Graphics Company
Submission: Monroe Branded Newsletter
Category: Logo Design/ Usage
Company: University of the Aftermarket
Submission: University of the Aftermarket Coffee Club Logo
Category: Website
Company: CRP
Submission: CRP Automotive Website
Category: Promotional Goods, Gear, Marketing Collateral
Company: Traction Factory
Submission: Slip Joint Needle Nose Pliers Launch
Category: Special Promotion and/or Promotional Event
Company: Robert Bosch, LLC
Submission: BOSCH [SCAN] Venture Promotional Contest
Category: Packaging
Company: Continental Corporation
Submission: ATE Brake Fluid Packaging
Category: Social Media Campaign
Company: MBE Group LLC
Submission: Brake Fluid Launch
Category: Trade Show Booth
Company: Stryten Energy
Submission: Stryten Energy 2021 AAPEX Booth
Category: Best App for Mobile Device
Company: Auto Care Alliance
Submission: MWACA Mobile App
Category: Use of video – Technical
Company: AutoNetTV Media, Inc.
Submission: Sensata Brake Force Sensor
Category: Use of Video - General Market/Special Interest
Company: Traction Factory
Submission: Snappy Holidays Digital Content
Category: Best 360-Degree Marketing Campaign
Company: Robert Bosch, LLC
Submission: Solutions for Every Job- Bosch Diagnostics Campaign
Category: Best Campaign Embracing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Company: MOTOR Information System
Submission:2022 MOTOR DEI Strategy
Category: Television Commercial
Company: AutoZone, Inc
Commercial: Frustration Fix Finder
Category: Print ad
Company: PUSH 22
Submission: Meet the Pros (of Pep Boys)
Category: Digital Display Ad
Company: Standard Motor Products
Category: Direct Mail Piece, Brochure, Booklets, Handout
Company: Dorman Products, Inc
Submission: OE Fix Guide Vol 3
Category: Article/ Blog/ Content Piece
Company: The Graphics Company
Submission: Wagner- How to Select the Right Brake Pad Video & Online Quiz
Category: Video
Company: MANN+HUMMEL Purolator
Submission: Purolator Brand Repositioning Video
Category: Repair Facility/Store Customer Promotion
Company: Advance Auto Parts
Submission:TechNet Brakes for Breasts Campaign
Category: Consumer/ Community event
Company: Advance Auto Parts
Submission: Advancing our Roads by Advance Auto Parts
Category: Best Billboard
Company: Clarios
Submission: Clarios xEV Streetcar Branding
Category: Website
Company: RepairPal
Submission: RepairPal.com
Category: Social Media Campaign
Company: PUSH 22
Submission: Meet the Pros (of Pep Boys)
Category: App for Mobile Device
Company: PUSH 22
Submission: Pep Boys Smart Service
Category: Media Outreach to Non-English Speaking Audiences
Company: PUSH 22
Submission: Pep Boys Spanish Speaking Website
Category: Radio or Podcast
Company: AutoZone, Inc
Submission: AutoZone Fix Finder Services
Category: Media Outreach to Female Audience
Company: Remarkable Results Radio
Submission: Tracy Capriotto, Director of Content/Producer
Category: Co-op advertising (Repair Shop Partnered with Manufacturer/ Distributor to Market)
Company: Genuine Parts/NAPA AutoCare
Submission: NAPA AutoCare & AAA 100% Co-Op
Sign Offer
Category: Merchandising (Point of Purchase, Displays, on/off shelf)
Company: MANN+HUMMEL Purolator
Submission: Display: Purolator BOSS Premium Cabin Air Filters with Febreze Freshener
Category: Best 360 Degree Marketing Campaign
Company: PUSH 22
Submission: Pep Boys NHRA
Category: Best Ad Campaign to Distribution/ Retail Audience
Company: NAPA AutoCare
Submission: NAPA T&E Virtual Product Show
Category: Best Ad Campaign to Technician/Repair Audience
Company: DRiV, Inc.
Submission: Garage Gurus 2021 Spring Media Campaign Creative and Analytics
Category: Best Ad to Either Distribution/ Retail or Technician/ Repair Audience
Company: Snap-on Tools/ Traction Factory
Submission: PT338 Stubzilla
Category: Training Communications
Company: DRiV, Inc.
Submission: Walker Colorado Emissions Regulations Training Communications
Category: Article/ Blog/ Content Piece – Technical
Company: ADVICS & MBE Group
Submission: Best Technical Article
Category: Article/ Blog/ Content Piece - General Market/Special Interest
Company: Ziebart Corporation
Submission: Veteran Franchisee Spotlight
Category: Newsletter
Company: JohnDow Industries
Submission: EuroVent Newsletter
Category: Logo Design/ Usage
Company: Pep Boys
Submission: Pep Boys Centennial Rebrand
Category: Website
Company: DRiV, Inc.
Submission: Monroe.com Website Refresh
Category: Promotional Goods, Gear, Marketing Collateral
Company: BCA Bearings by NTN / Bower Bearings by NTN
Submission: BCA / Bower Summer Fun Promotion
Category: Special Promotion and/or Promotional Event
Company: MOTOR Information Systems
Submission: MOTOR Top 20 Awards
Category: Packaging
Company: Lumileds
Submission: Philips Upgrade Lighting Packaging
Category: Social Media Campaign
Company: GATES
Submission: PROTECT THE RIDE Vehicle Owner Education Campaign
Category: Best App for Mobile Device
Company: NAPA AutoCare
Submission: NAPA AutoCare Mobile App
Category: Use of video – Technical
Company: AutoNetTV Media, Inc.
Submission: Gates Modular Hoses
Category: Use of Video - General Market/Special Interest
Company: NAPA AutoCare
Submission: NAPA Apprenticeship Program Video
Category: Best 360-Degree Marketing Campaign
Company: Plews & Edelmann
Submission: Plews & Edelmann Elite Power Steering Program
Category: Television Commercial
Company: Pep Boys
Commercial: Pep Boys Celebrating 100 Years TV Spot
Category: Print ad
Company: NAPA AutoCare
Submission: INSIGHT Print Ad
Category: Digital Display Ad
Company: Pep Boys
Submission: Centennial Anthem
Category: Direct Mail Piece, Brochure, Booklets, Handout
Company: Snap-on Diagnostics / Traction Factory
Submission: Fast-Track Intelligent Diagnostics
Category: Article/ Blog/ Content Piece
Company: Endurance Warranty
Submission: What Does It Mean to Be ASE Certified?
Category: Video
Company: AutoNetTV Media, Inc.
Submission: Permatex Pro-Tips
Category: Consumer/ Community event
Company: Pep Boys
Submission: Pep Boys Road Trip Events
Category: Website
Company: Purolator Filters
Submission: New Website Award: Business-to-Consumer
Category: Social Media Campaign
Company: Idemitsu Lubricants America
Submission: Digital Brand Awareness Campaign
Category: Social media Campaign (Specifically for Independent Repair Shops)
Company: Schaeffler USA Inc.
Submission: REPXPERT Swag Bag Giveaway
Category: Radio or Podcast
Company: Ziebart Corporation
Submission: COVID-19's Impact on Transportation
Category: Co-op advertising (Repair Shop Partnered with Manufacturer/ Distributor to Market)
Company: NAPA AutoCare
Submission: NAPA PROimage Co-Op Offer
Category: Best 360 Degree Marketing Campaign
Company: Pep Boys
Submission: Pep Boys Centennial
Best Ad Campaign to Distribution/ Retail Audience: Continental
Best Ad Campaign to Technician/ Repair Audience: DRiV, Inc.
Best Ad (to Either Distribution/ Retail or Technician/Repair Audience): Raybestos
Training Communications: DRiV, Inc.
Article/ Blog/ Content Piece – Technical: DRiV, Inc.
Article/Blog/Content Piece - General Market/Special Interest: EasyCare
Newsletter: DRiV, Inc.
Logo Design/Usage: GWC
Website: ADVICS/MBE Group
Promotional Goods, Gear, Marketing Collateral: Snap-On Tools/Traction Factory
pecial Promotion and/or Promotional Event: NAPA AutoCare
Trade Show Booth: Brake Parts/Raybestos
Best App for Mobile Device: KYB
Use of Video – Technical: DRiV, Inc.
Use of Video - General Market/Special Interest: Snap-On Tools/Traction Factory
Best 360-Degree Marketing Campaign: DRiV, Inc.
Television Commercial(s): AutoNetTV Media, Inc.
Print Ad: Pep Boys Marketing Team
Digital Display Ad: AutoNetTV Media, Inc.
Direct Mail Piece, Brochure, Booklets, Handout: AutoNetTV Media, Inc.
Article/Blog/Content Piece: DRiV, Inc.
Video: Topel’s Service Center
Repair Facility/Store Customer Promotion: NAPA AutoCare
Consumer/Community event: Pep Boys Marketing Team
Best Billboard: Pep Boys Marketing Team
Website: DRiV, Inc.
Website (Specifically for Independent Repair Shops): NAPA AutoCare
Social Media Campaign: Pep Boys Marketing Team
Social Media Campaign (Specifically for Independent Repair Shops): Robert Bosch LLC
Media Outreach to Non- English Speaking Audiences: Bosch + Bailey Lauerman
Radio or Podcast: Pep Boys Marketing Team
Outreach to Female Audience: Ziebart International Corporation
Co-Op Advertising (Repair Shop Partnered with Manufacturer/ Distributor to Market): Pep Boys Marketing Team
Merchandising (Point of Purchase, Displays, On/Off Shelf Merchandising): NAPA AutoCare
Best 360-Degree Marketing Campaign: Bosch + Bailey Lauerman
Ad Campaign to Distribution/Retail Audience: Purolator
Ad Campaign to Technician/Repair Audience: Cloyes/MBE Group
Ad – Best Use of Graphic: Cloyes/MBE Group
Ad – Best Use of Copy: Raybestos/Brake Parts Inc.
Training Materials: AutoNetTV Media, Inc.
Article/Blog/Content Piece - Technical: DRiV Incorporated
Article/Blog/Content Piece - General Market/Special Interest: Endeavor Business Media - PTEN Magazine
Logo Design/Usage: Traction Factory
Website: DRiV Incorporated Promotional Goods, Gear
Marketing Collateral: DRiV Incorporated
Special Promotion and/or Promotional Event: MAHLE Aftermarket
Packaging: Purolator
Social Media Campaign: Interstate Batteries and PACE
Tradeshow Booth: EasyCare
App for a Mobile Device: Robert Bosch LLC
Use of Video - Technical: WIX Filters and Wray Ward
Use of Video - General Market/Special Interest: MemberCare
Best 360-Degree Marketing Campaign: MOTOR Information Systems
Newsletter: DRiV Incorporated
Television Commercial: NAPA AutoCare
Print Ad - Best Use of Graphic: National Tire Distributors
Digital Display Ad - Best Use of Graphic: WIX Filters and Wray Ward
Digital Display Ad - Best Use of Copy: Robert Bosch LLC
Direct Mail Piece: Schaeffler Group USA Inc.
Article/Blog/Content Piece: DRiV Incorporated
Video: WIX Filters and Wray Ward
Special Promotions: Traction Factory
Consumer/Community Event: NAPA AutoCare
Posters and Signage: National Tire Distributors
Website: Traction Factory
Social Media Campaign: Pilot Automotive
Social Media Campaign – for Vehicle Service Shops: Robert Bosch LLC
Media Outreach to Non-English Speaking Audiences: BCA Bearings by NTN
Radio/Podcast/Community Outreach: Wrench Nation
Media Outreach to Female Audience: Pilot Automotive
Co-op Advertising (Repair Shop Partnered with Manufacturer/Distributor to Market): DRiV Incorporated
Merchandising - Point of Purchase, Displays, on/off Shelf Merchandising: Traction Factory
Best 360 Degree Marketing Campaign: Purolator
Print Ad - Best Use of Copy: Lumileds/MBE Group