December 13, 2023

YANG Sponsorship Opportunities

by Mary Ieng, YANG Staff Liaison, Auto Care Association

We are seeking sponsorship from companies that share our commitment to fostering growth and excellence in the aftermarket. Your involvement in this initiative is critical, and we invite you to leverage your network and influence within your organization to help us connect with the right decision-makers.

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Two Ways You Can Help:

Connect Us with Decision-makers:
If you have contacts or insights within your company that could open doors for YANG, please share them with us. Your assistance in facilitating introductions to the right people will make a significant impact.

Advocate on Our Behalf:
Your endorsement of YANG and its initiatives is invaluable. Speak with conviction about the positive influence and benefits that YANG provides, encouraging your company to consider supporting our cause. (Utilize our Sponsorship Justification Message Template!)

YANG is more than a networking group; we are a community dedicated to propelling the next generation of leaders forward. By securing sponsorships, we can expand our reach, offer even more enriching opportunities, and further strengthen the aftermarket industry.

YANG Effect

Welcome to the new YANG Effect! Your one-stop quarterly newsletter for all things Automotive Aftermarket contributed to and written by under-40 industry professionals.

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Market Insights with Mike is a series presented by the Auto Care Association's Director of Market Intelligence, Mike Chung, that is dedicated to analyzing market-influencing trends as they happen and their potential effects on your business and the auto care industry.

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