January 27, 2020

Meet a Staffer: Frank Feng

by Camille Sheehan

Title: SQL Database Developer; Chinese Market Standards Liaison
Department: Technology
Years at the Association: 3
Email Address:
Favorite Apps: Podcasts, Microsoft Events App, Planner. 
Words to live by/motto: “It’s all about your willingness to work hard and desire to succeed.” – Sherry (Frank’s fiancée)

frank feng - meet a staffer

What began as a career in electrical engineering for Frank Feng quickly turned into an unexpected and newfound passion for computer science during his first internship. After receiving his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering at the Shanghai University of Science and Technology, Feng began his first electrical engineering internship, where he was introduced to the company’s SQL (Structured Query Language) database. “The department I was in needed help working support tickets from customers that had issues with that product, so I got roped into working those tickets and started learning SQL database in the process,” said Feng. “At first, I was really thrown off by it, but I honestly fell in love with it within an hour.”

Since then, Feng’s career path into the field of computer science and database development has been nothing short of inspiring. From the time he began his first internship to today, Feng devoted two years of self-training himself through the MCSE (Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert) certification, taught himself English, moved to the United States where he earned a master’s degree in electrical and computer engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology and earned an additional master’s degree in computer science from the University of North America. In 2016, Feng joined the Auto Care Association as SQL Database Developer and has since taken over the standards database Publication and Demand Index platform.

What is your proudest professional accomplishment at the Auto Care Association so far?

I have developed the Demand Index Platform from the ground and built Business Intelligence reports, integrating and leveraging big data into meaningful analysis for decision making. 

But my proudest accomplishment at the association is that I sold a membership subscription myself, and received a twenty dollar reward from Jim Smith at AAPEX 2019!

What do you feel are the biggest rewards of working in the auto care industry?

I enjoy the sincere appreciation I received from not only my co-workers but also the members I interacted with. A heartfelt “thanks” goes a long way to improve my attitude and productivity. Knowing that the entire aftermarket industry could benefit from the data and tools we developed makes me very proud and happy.

Tell us a fun fact about you that would surprise people.

I can solve a Rubik's Cube in under one minute.

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