August 7, 2023

Auto Care Association State Government Affairs Update: August 4, 2023

by Tod Moore, manager, advocacy and grassroots

what's moving?

  • Maine SP 847, a bill to carry over certain matters from the first special session of the 131st Legislature, including right to repair, was introduced in the Senate.

  • state news this week:

    Eight state legislatures are in regular session.

    • The California GOP changed the rules for the 2024 presidential primary, making it more likely to boost former President Donald Trump's chances by awarding all 169 delegates to any candidate securing over 50% of the votes statewide. With California being the biggest prize for the Republican nomination, this move could significantly impact the nomination process and discourage other candidates from campaigning in the state.
    • Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA-7) is reportedly planning to run for governor in Virginia’s 2025 gubernatorial election. If Spanberger decides to pursue the gubernatorial bid, it could add uncertainty to the battle for the House in 2024. Spanberger is a centrist Democrat in a swing district; Democrats would need to defend her competitive district to have a shot at retaking the House majority.
    • Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC-8) has announced his decision to run for North Carolina Attorney General instead of seeking re-election to the House of Representatives in 2024. Bishop cited his interest in practicing law again and it being a good time to return to North Carolina as reasons for his decision to run for the statewide position.
    • Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) signed a bipartisan state budget for FY 2024 that includes measures to lower costs on health care, infrastructure, and food assistance programs. The budget allocates $21.3 million for clean energy and electric vehicle infrastructure investments, among other transit and infrastructure-related investments.

    statehouse automobile reports

    • Delaware Governor John Carney (D) signed two new electric vehicle-related laws. One codifies a $2,500 rebate for residents who purchase new EVs, including pre-owned vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles. The second measure mandates that starting in January, all new single-family homes statewide must have EV charging infrastructure. By 2025, new apartment and condominium complexes must have EV charging stations in 5% of parking spaces, with an additional 10% of spaces having charging infrastructure.
    • New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D) has announced a $12 million initiative to promote the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) and their integration with the electric grid. The program aims to advance EV charging infrastructure, reduce grid integration costs, improve the economics of EV ownership, and demonstrate medium- and heavy-duty electric and hydrogen fuel cell technologies to support the state's transition to zero-emission vehicles by 2035.
    • The Massachusetts Legislature passed a comprehensive bill authorizing $375 million in bond funding for transportation needs. The bill's emphasis on sustainability, electric vehicles, and equity marks a significant milestone in enhancing the state's transportation infrastructure, benefiting communities throughout Massachusetts.
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